You can’t have extraordinary growth without exceptional thinking

South East Water
Our clients need
South East Water had a plethora of business plans, and engaged Alchimie to review their strategic framework and to design and facilitate the annual Board Executive workshops.
How we added value
Alchimie developed a succinct strategic framework, with the blueprint of the organisation articulated in eight pages, with a clear linkage of strategic direction, initiatives and execution. An integral part of the strategic framework was a reset of ‘what is important to us’ to provide more contemporary focus for leadership and culture.
Over a three year period, Alchimie co-designed a series of annual Board Executive workshops with the CEO. This provided in depth dialogue of short, medium and long term matters. As part of the process, Alchimie held a two-day blue skies session with the Executive Leadership team to reset the delivery of all capital and maintenance works.
Our clients success
Under the leadership of Kevin Hutchings, South East Water delivered consistent and well regard results to the State (as shareholder). The Board Executive workshops were highly regarded by the Chair, Directors, CEO and Executive team, and provided significant momentum for the future of the organisation. The blue skies session led to a complete change in delivery strategy and ultimately over 10% in what could be delivered within the minor capital, renewal and maintenance budgets.