Supporting and growing leadership diversity in the Infrastructure Sector
Our clients need
The infrastructure industry has a relatively poor representation of diversity in thinking and style – often to its detriment. Many organisations have proactive policies and attitudes to increasing diversity amongst their leadership teams, however effective initiatives can be difficult to establish or deliver upon.
How we added value
Alchimie has established a coaching program for young executives and high-profile individuals who can contribute to the diversity challenge in the industry and individual organisations. Typically, the ‘coachees’ are female executives who are trying to navigate the challenges of a male-dominated industry.
Alchimie has a number of consultants who provide coaching services, using a number of different coaching approaches. This enables us to match a coach to coachee from any background, preference or with any coaching need, and we target the underpinning causes of the challenge the coachee is facing, often using psychometric tools to gain deeper insight. Whilst the coaching program can run for as little as a single session, more often coaching engagements are longer-term partnership that lasts for three months or more.
Our clients success
The coaching sessions aim to transform perspectives and any concerns or blockages the coachee might have by providing many opportunities for powerful insights that cause a shift in how they see (and can be in) their world. For the employers – the companies we support – they get a tangible outcome in the pursuit of a more diverse leadership or executive cohort. Our coaching clients include contractors, designers and government delivery agencies.